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What We Do

The New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations is dedicated to promoting the protection and preservation of our beautiful lakes.  Climate Change and increased lake usage can have negative impacts on our many waterways, including the spreading of Aquatic Invasive Species and potential  of Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms. We are committed to educating the public about these issues and working towards a healthier, more sustainable future for our lakes.

So...... What is a Lake? 

Before we start, it's important to understand, what is a lake!  People come to the lake for many reasons, vacation, full time residence, swimming, fishing, water skiing, boating .... a lot of reasons!  Some people rely on a lake for their water source.  Some people rely on a lake for rental opportunities so others may enjoy, or some maybe an outfitter so others can find the best fishing places.

Speaking of fish, below the surface is an entirely different world!  Limnology is the study of inland lakes.

So what is a Lake?  A lake is a body of water surrounded by land.  Think of it being like a bowl full of water.  No two lakes are the same nor are they created the same way, meaning some are glacier,  volcanic or man made.  Some lakes are deep, others shallow, long and or wide. Now some lakes may be considered 'open' because it flows into an open body of water (river), however most inland lakes in New Brunswick are 'closed', meaning, its water in a bowl!

So how does water get into a lake?  That's the balance of life!  Lake levels are controlled through various methods.  As an example, lake levels lower through evaporation (liquid turns to vapour), and lake levels will rise when it rains, through snow melt, natural springs, surface water run off and small brooks and streams.  

So what affects a lakes 'physical appearance? '  Well to start with, light, temperature and wind.  There are others!  No different than life on land!  Water needs Oxygen for the fish, aquatic plant life needs light to grow and wind comes in and helps out with thermal stratification, meaning it comes along and stirs up the lakes bottom and mixes warm and cooler waters.  

Like humans, lakes age too.  As they age they shrink (starting from the shoreline to the middle), sediment increases as well as plant life.  The process is slow, however now with increased usage (boating, fishing, density living), Climate Change, surface water pollutants and introduction to invasive species .... a lake's life cycle is no longer generations but decades.

So the reason why New Brunswick Alliance of lake Associations was formed, and what prompted and endorsed its 'Four Pillars.'  

Lake Strat 1.jpg

NBALA Four Pillars

1.  Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program (VLMP)


To better understand and share knowledge about water...


A dedicated group of lake association volunteers are committed to monitoring the water quality that promotes healthy lake ecosystems and environmental management practices.

2.  Invasive Plant Patrol Program (IPP)

The rapid spread of invasive aquatic plant species ...

Invasive Species has immense consequences to the communities and ecosystems in New Brunswick. Habitat disruption, loss of native plant and animal life, lower property values, disruption of recreational activities and enormous financial costs are just some of the many impacts that invasive species can cause. With over 2500 lakes in New Brunswick, it is crucial that we protect our freshwater spaces.

3.  Stewardship Efforts

NBALA continues to foster ......

Relationships with other watershed groups to insert our voice in the provincial networks relating to water policy, management and stewardship as it relates to lake ecology.


Stewardship continues to promote shared messaging and best practices, especially resources such as the Clean, Drain, Dry program and academic partnerships to build a network.​


4.  Advocacy Involvement

New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations works.....

Diligently to maintain positive relationships and communication with all stakeholders including, but not limited to, members of government, community members and non-profit organizations. We continue to foster and facilitate a communication platform through which individuals can share information and discuss innovative approaches to managing New Brunswick lake health.

"The science is clear. In Canada, Climate Change will see temperatures rise two times faster than the global average. In New Brunswick we are already seeing increases in the number of hot days, rainfall amounts, storm severity, and in sea level rise."  Source

NBALA Four Pillars are attempts to be proactive, educational and measurable.  


New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations.  


Established in 2013, the New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations focuses on providing support, resources, and equipment to encourage citizen based lake stewardship in New Brunswick.


Our organization currently consists of thirteen lake associations as well as many volunteer groups devoted to the health of our lakes.

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2232 Route 122

Skiff Lake NB 

E6H 1R2

I reside as a guest in Poquagomus

(Origin Peskotomuhkati)


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